Golden Ducats on MA-Shops
The subject of this blog is about a gold coin most of the collectors of European-coins know about, because they have seen them or have them in their collection. I will talk about what is probably the most famous gold coin of Europe: the golden ducat. How much do you know about the beginning of this common coin with its huge history?
The word ducat is etymologically related to the Latin word ducatus which means that the coin is related to the duke: the duke’s coin. Golden ducats are characterised by their high pureness of gold >97%. Their weight is around the 3.5 grams. There were also other emission of the golden ducat.
The most common are the 2 ducats, 4 ducats, 6 ducats and 10 ducats, their weight was in relation to the 1 ducat. The golden ducats are minted for trade purposes and were because of these purposes minted, anyway, from the 13th century until the beginning of the 20th century. Because of this fact it is one of the most successful coins in the world. The coins were and are minted in many countries in Europe with different iconographies. Some iconographies are the zecchino-type, the Austrian-type, Ferdinand and Isabella type or the Spanish type and the Dutch-type. But there are many others. Today they are still minted in The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Hungary but only for collectors.
Double Ducat o.J. 1581-1583)
3,800.00 US$
Spanish type. Busts of Ferdinand and Isabella / Crowned arms. Gold. Friedb.300; Delm.879.
Attractive specimen. Rare in this condition. Extremely fine, edge mark
1 Ducat (1813) A Austria Franz I.
690.00 US$
Austrian type. Franz I.
Ducat 1637. Province of Netherlands
1,250.00 US$
Dutch type.Gold 3,49 g.
Crusaders on Chios (1421-1428)
760.00 US$
Zecchino type. Catalog: cf.Friedberg 4 | cf.Gamberini 398 | cf. Lunardi S.18 | cf.Mazarakis 12
Filippo Maria Visconti, 1421 – 1436
Weight 3,51gr.
obv. Christfigure SIT.T.PE.DAT.Q.TV – REGIS.ISTE.DVC
rev. Duke of Milan and Saint Peter D.MEDIOLANI – .S.PETRV.
Double Ducat 2017
415.00 US$
Newest type. Including box and certificate.
Check here all the golden ducats on MA-Shops
Written by Joël van Dam, Owner of Joëlnumismatics.
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