If you collect ancient coins it is probably one of your nicest coins in your collection or the one you always wanted. I talk about the golden aureus.
The aureus was a fixed element of the monetary system during large parts of the Roman period and was the coin with the highest value.
Most of the time they were used for large payments to high officials in the Roman army. They were also used to store large amounts of wealth.
The reason for this was of course that you could hide it easily because of the small volume compared to their value.
Aureus 199 AD. Caracalla
31,550.00 US$
Catalog: RIC 45; Calicó 2818; Hill 416.
Weight: 7.43 g
Obv: ANTONINUS AVGUSTUS, laureated, draped and cuirassed bust of young Caracalla to the right.
Rev: SEVERI PII AUG FIL: Caracalla, with Victory on globe and spear, standing facing, at his feet left: sitting captive.
Rare. A beautiful representation of great artistic merit of the 11 year old emperor, struck in high relief.
First minted by Julius Caesar
The aureus was first minted in high amounts by Julius Caesar who standardized the weight of the coin at 40 pieces in a Roman pound( now 8g). Due inflation Nero decreased the weight of the aureus to 45 pieces in a Roman pound(7,3). The Roman Empire came in an economic crises in the late 2nd and early 3rd century. As a result of this gold coins became less popular by payments. The weight was also decreased by Marcus Aurelius to 50 pieces in Roman pound(6,5g).
Aureus 79 Titus
21,250.00 US$
Catalog: RIC 24 Calicò 762
Weight: 7.12 g
Quality of the aurei
The quality of the aurei ( plural for aureus) is extraordinary. They used high quality stamps to create high quality images on these coins. For example on the aureus of Trajan Decius. You can almost see the emotion on the face of Trajan himself, this as a result of wonderful craftsmanship. It is therefore not remarkable that most collectors desire these coins for their collection. As result of the high demand of these coins the prices are high. But these coins have always interested people and I believe they always will. There for you can never pay too much for these coins when you buy it by an official dealer, e.g. on Ma-shops. If you have a aureus in your collection you will like it for always.
AV Aureus (249-251) TRAJANUS DECIUS
19,500.00 US$
Catalog: Cohen 104 | RIC 28 | Calicó 3299
weight 4,30gr. | gold Ø 20mm.
obv. Laurated and cuirassed buste right IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG
rev. Uberitas standing facing, head left, holding udder of a cow (?) and cornucopiae VBERITAS AVG
Aureus 222 Severus Alexander, Rome
8,950.00 US$
Catalog: RIC:159
Weight: 6.32 g – Diameter: 21.00 mm
Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right,Mars standing left, holding branch and reversed spear
Aureus Tiberius 14-37 AD
4,650.00 US$
Weight: 7.67 g
Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI – [A]VG F AVGVSTVS Head laureate r. Rx: PONTIF – MAXIM Livia seated r. holding spear and branch, throne has decorated legs, one line below.
Search in this category for more Aureus, Just click the link https://ma-shops.com/s/mc1070
Written by Joël van Dam, Owner of Joëlnumismatics.
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